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 Entertainment Archive 2017

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn had a lot on their minds
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 13, 2017

After ol’ Mel Gibson and Vince Vaugh there shot some nasty looks at Meryl Streep, they became the talk on the Twitter.

Folks began speculating about what Gibson and Vaughn were thinking while Streep was giving her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes on Sunday night.

Most folks thought Gibson and Vaughn shot those unh unh looks at Streep because they were unhappy with what folks considered to be an “anti-Trump” speech.

Mind you, although I don’t know what anybody was thinking, I do have some ideas.

Peep down below to read the conversation that I think ol’ Gibson and Vaughn there were having within themselves.

Note: These are jokes. These are not the actual thoughts that Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn were having.

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

Mel Gibson Vince Vaughn;

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